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Neotron S.p.A.

Stradello Aggazzotti 104 Località Santa Maria di Mugnano
Phone : ++39 059 461711
Fax : +39 059 461777


Gian Carlo Gatti

Technical Manager (or contact person)

Marisa Bagatti



Accreditation Organisation

Neotron S.p.A.
Stradello Aggazzotti 104 Santa Maria di Mugnano

Coverage of Accreditation

Chemical and microbiological analysis

Type of Milk

Cow milk, Ewe milk, Buffalo milk, and Other

Fields of competence related to analyzing milk

National proficiency testing organizer, Reference Material supplier, Evaluation of analytical methods/instruments, and Research and development in analytical methods

Categories of analytical methods practised

Wet chemistry, Spectroscopic and routine methods, Chromatography, Physico-chemical methods, Biochemical methods (enzym., immuno., mol. biol.), Microbiological methods, Sensory Analysis, and Other

Milk and milk Products Tested

Liquid milk and whey (including raw milk, skim milk, homogenized,heat-treated, etc.), Butter, Cheese and Processed Cheese and Processed Cheese Preparations, Dairy Fat Spreads, Evaporated Milks and Sweetened Condensed Milks, Cream and Prepared Creams, Milk Powders, Cream Powder and Whey Powders, Edible Casein Products, Fermented Milks, Ice creams, Milk based desserts, Composite foods with dairy ingredients, and Other dairy products

Purpose of the Analytical Activity in the Laboratory

Animal health / Herd sanitary (Veterinary analysis), Milk recording / Dairy Herd Improvement / Dairy genetic, Milk payment to producers according to milk composition and quality, Production monitoring and commercial exchanges in dairy industry, Food safety and nutrition (protection of consumers), Food trade regulation (protection of customers), and Research and development in dairy industry