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LACQSA Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade e Segurança de Alimentos

Rua dos Funcionarios, 1540 Cabral
Curitiba, PR
Phone : +4192255697


Julia Arantes Galvao



Accreditation Organisation

Universidade Federal do Paraná
Rua dos Funcionarios, 1540 Cabral
Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Type of Milk

Cow milk, Goat milk, Ewe milk, and Buffalo milk

Fields of competence related to analyzing milk

Training session organizer in laboratory techniques, Information provider on analytical methods, and Research and development in analytical methods

Categories of analytical methods practised

Microbiological methods

Milk and milk Products Tested

Liquid milk and whey (including raw milk, skim milk, homogenized,heat-treated, etc.), Butter, Cheese and Processed Cheese and Processed Cheese Preparations, Dairy Fat Spreads, Evaporated Milks and Sweetened Condensed Milks, Cream and Prepared Creams, Milk Powders, Cream Powder and Whey Powders, Edible Casein Products, Fermented Milks, Ice creams, Milk based desserts, and Composite foods with dairy ingredients

Purpose of the Analytical Activity in the Laboratory

Production monitoring and commercial exchanges in dairy industry, Food safety and nutrition (protection of consumers), Food trade regulation (protection of customers), Research and development in dairy industry, and Education and teaching in dairy industry (schools, universities)